A hobby is not just a fun activity you do every once in a while. A hobby is not something you do when you have nothing else. In fact, a hobby should be a basic part of your daily life. It adds value and a deeper meaning to your life. Jeremy Schulman, the founder of Schulman Bhattacharya, is of the view that hobbies are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. This is why he encourages young people to invest their free time in a useful hobby that can enrich their overall life experiences.
What is a hobby?
A hobby is a way to make good use of your spare time. Usually, it is a productive activity that fulfils your self-esteem and needs for joy and amusement. A hobby is a reflection of your own character and interests. Also, it is the right way to fill the void of free time in which you are not doing anything useful or resting.
Perks of having a hobby
A hobby can spice things up for you. It is a way to learn something new about the world. In addition to this, a hobby helps you discover various aspects of your personality. Here are a few other props to having a hobby:
It enriches your character.
A hobby teaches you new things. Talking about your hobby is definitely a good way to start a conversation. So, imagine you are talking to others about your hobby and providing them with deep knowledge about it. In a way, it makes your character richer and more interesting.
A way to learn patience
Learning a hobby is something you do from scratch. You would usually start with its basics and work your way up to mastering it. Doing so requires patience and persistence. So, in addition to learning a new activity, you will also learn a much-appreciated quality; patience.
Giving you a different perspective
Any hobby you choose will enrich your character in various ways. It exposes you to new situations and concepts. For instance, you can obtain these new perspectives when you meet new people while learning about your new hobby. You can also get them by reading a book.
Killing boredom and putting an end to time waste
A hobby is the most productive way to spend your free time. You will actually be doing something useful and refreshing. A hobby can kill any sense of boredom as it poses challenges and raises knowledge and curiosity. So, it leaves no chance for you to waste your time on something useless or even harmful. Staying busy with a hobby shakes off bad habits for good.
If you are not lucky yet in searching for a hobby, you should focus on the things you enjoy the most in life. Also, you should take a look back at your early years and consider your dream hobbies from then. Jeremy Schulman advises young people to look for a hobby that triggers a challenge for them. He believes that a hobby that is not challenging could make you bored, and you would quickly lose your interest.